Overcrowded event. Too many people at the IT Show this after, was there from 1-5pm. The turn out was so overwhelming that the organiser had to broadcast "Please come back in 1 hour's time"
Too many people for my comfort, wanted to get a semi-pro cam, but no chance to try them out. Nevertheless, not much has changed since the last IT Show, Sony has the most impressive booths, from Sony Ericsson to Playstation 3.
There's a small stage for demo and catwalk. The lady in white is demostrating the features of Vaio. But again too many people cramped in a narrow walkway.

Models doing the catwalk with Sony's products.
I can only take the pictures from the side
Car audio.
The major brands are there, didn't get to see HP, wonder if i missed them or they aren't there at all.
Still a good experience, plenty of good deals,
but prices aren't much of a different from the usual retail prices.
Look at the crowd, even though this picture isn't
a good representation of the turn out.
Saw a semi-pro cam from Sony H9 with 15X Zoom, but didn't get a chance to try it. Olympus did launched a 20X zoom cam, but the sale representative said that the cam has ran out of battery so i didn't have chance to try it either:(
Did i mentioned that this event is similar to the one we have last year? There is something different, the models! Last year we have more models, but for this one we have a few but very beautiful and sweet looking.
Now, i am looking towards the PC Show somewehre in late May 08.
I will load more photos at webshots.
Went to the tailor after this to get my shirt.
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