Any suggestions?
Sunday, March 30, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Sunday, March 30, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Will take some test shots and see the image quality.
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Saturday, March 29, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
What happened today
- Almost screwed up my blog when i tried to upload a new template.
- Intensive revision for my exams in May. 6 hours straight! My old bones cannot take it.
- Found a seller for 800IS
- Watched Shutter yesterday evening. Not a bad moving, the ghost is not scaring but the suspense makes it spooky.
- Went Orchard road yesterday to shop, but after 3 hours, i cannot find an item i like. :/ I am a very fussy consumer.
OK. Channel 46 showing taiwanese paranormal variety programme at 11pm.
Signed off
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Smoking tortoise found in China
Saturday, March 29, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
BEIJING (AFP) - - A tortoise that smokes and appears to be addicted to nicotine has been discovered in China's northeastern province of Jilin, state media reported on Thursday. The animal is the pet of a man, identified by his surname Yun, who is himself a smoker, Xinhua news agency said, quoting a local newspaper.
One day, Yun teased the tortoise by putting a cigarette butt into its mouth, and to his surprise it started to smoke it, according to the news agency.
From then on, he shared his cigarettes with his pet, Xinhua said.
"It seems to have become addicted," Yun was quoted as saying.
"Whenever I smoke in front of it, it will stick its head out of the water and fidget about until I give it the stub."
Yun proved his claim by putting a cigarette in the tortoise's mouth in front the paper's reporter and his neighbours, Xinhua quoted the newspaper as saying.
To everyone's surprise, the tortoise finished it in less than four minutes, the news agency said.
Monkeys have been know to smoke in imitation of human beings, the deputy secretary-general of Jilin's Wildlife Conservation Society told Xinhua.
But he said he had never heard of a tortoise lighting up.

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My blog is worth nothing
Saturday, March 29, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Free widgets
Friday, March 28, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Another prize from wallstraits
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Error again
Sunday, March 23, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
I wanted to change the layout to 3 columns, sidebars on the right instead of the split. But i can't....
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Movie + DVDsss
Saturday, March 22, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw

Lousy show, supposed to be a horror show but turned out to be horrible. The pace is a disappointing
I watched this movie because of jessica alba, she is so hot and beautiful. The movie has a good twist, i liked the pace of the movie too.

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Friday, March 21, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw

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Thursday, March 20, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Now waiting for Samsung I550W to be launched this saturday, this i confirm will not go out of stock, the only concern is the price tag, should be around $700 without contract.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Lydia Sum the White Locust?
Monday, March 17, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
He took an extract from Shin Min, which reported that it is predicted that Lydia will return as a white animal of insect upon her return, surprisingly reporters who waited outside her house saw a white locust on her manager's car.
I was i thinking if recairnation actually exists, although a buddhist myself, i have never consider myself a good buddhist. Do people who died just died? or They really transit into someone/something different.
Does karma happens to everyone? Is there a god? Or simply the events and happenings are part of Nature's Law? Not trying to get too cosmo here.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008 / Comments (1) / by sw
Any wordpress bloggers here?
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Another DVD today
Sunday, March 16, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw

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New sale
Sunday, March 16, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Botak learns to kill
Sunday, March 16, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Bigmoats revamped
Saturday, March 15, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Removed most of the elements at the blog, i only retained my protfolio reviews in the end. My watchlsit can also be found there.
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IXUS 860 feels good
Friday, March 14, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Can go for this model. But i will wait for the price to drop further.
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Long wait is over
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Which cam to get?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Which one to get? I personally like canon cams, but the prices are way too steep for a digicam. Maybe i should wait till COMEX 08 before i commit or wait till bargaincity gves a good bargain for these models.

Back of 860IS, Nice layout
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Quit smoking
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
My smoker’s cough is getting more frequent now, so I really have no choice but to stay away from ciggies. I think I should go to the doctor to test my nicotine level first. It’s also a waste of money to smoke everyday.
So good luck to myself, I will begin my cold turkey tonight. Why tonight? Cause, I smoked more at night than in the day. Work is busy so no time to smoke.
OK. Cold turkey……..
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Sunday, March 09, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Read from the newpaper today, man who resemble Mas Selamat was cornered by a group of suspicious men. This escape has really costed plenty of inconvience, more than 900 calls to the police to date. How long can he hide? This time, really lose face.
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Saturday, March 08, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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IT Show 2008
Saturday, March 08, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Too many people for my comfort, wanted to get a semi-pro cam, but no chance to try them out. Nevertheless, not much has changed since the last IT Show, Sony has the most impressive booths, from Sony Ericsson to Playstation 3.
There's a small stage for demo and catwalk. The lady in white is demostrating the features of Vaio. But again too many people cramped in a narrow walkway.
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Friday, March 07, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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"Leftover" pics from last motorshow
Thursday, March 06, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Potato @ AMK HUb
Thursday, March 06, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
The original flavour is very nice, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The potatoes sell fast, but i can't eat too much now because i am trying to lose weight. Aim to lose 5 kg, but once in awhile should be fine.
The youtiao stall next door is also good, the youtiao is very crispy, and very good to chew.
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One last try
Thursday, March 06, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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I gave up
Thursday, March 06, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
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Movietime 05/03/2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
OK. I am feeling bored today so i decided to watch 2 movies at one go and rent a DVD to watch. Well epic movies never really made sense to me, watching such movies is purely for laughter only not for the story.
But Meet the Spartans is really stupid, and it's not funny at all. Nothing interesting about the movie except for the scene where they got a britney spears look-alike to shave her hair, and Leonadis kicked her down the Pit of Death.:P
Really nothing fantastic, should have wait for the vcd intead. The only reason for watching this movie is C armen Electra, she is hot but Jessica Alba is better:P Except for this, it's a waste of time.

I wonder what happened to Hong Kong made movies, the standard dropped so much. I could hardly see any Hong Kong movies nowadaysless to say quality ones.
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