Sunday, August 31, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Went to Suntec city to fish for good deals at the Comex, but not surprising, like the other IT shows, offers are not really good except for LCD and Hard disks which are cheaper compared to Funan or Sim Lim.
Bought a Western Digital 500gb desktop external hard disk for only $129.90. This is cheap compared to the retail price of $170++. Hard lesson learn when my laptop crashed few months back, wiping out all my data, so it's time to get a backup disk.
I saw a pair of satellite speakers from Creative, Gigaworks T20, the sound quality is real good among all 2.0 speakers but priced at $159.00, kinda steep. I will to stick to my 5 years old brandless speakers for the moment until Creative warehouse sale.
A badly taken picture of my current workstation:

Time to change my table too.
Thursday, August 28, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw

Bad story
Lame jokes
Monday, August 25, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
I saw this piece of news so many times over the week. This piece
It started when Lee Bee Wah lashed at team manager Antony Lee via the media, like many Singaporean, i don't understand why she has to do it when the tournament is still going on. It affected the players' morale.
What else could have affected our chance? Lee is also responsible, doesn't she knows that morale affects performance? She too, should step down. Is she qualify to head the association?
Her uncontrolled emotions is rather disturbing. She didn't look at the big picture when she made those remarks. How to compete when you know that you could be sacked after the game?
Even the coach is not spared. Why change a winning team? All the efforts will go down our longkang.
Let's see if her big plan works for the next Olympic.
Monday, August 18, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
I am referring to the today's TNP.
Our team has won silver but then some people claimed that our players are not of true singaporean blood. That's as good as taking away the credit from the 3 players. True, they are born in China and not Singapore but building a team like this is like building Singapore from scratch.
We need immigrants to build our country, make up for the short fall in our human resource, but these immigrants stay and started their family here. I hope our players do not give up their citizenship and go somewhere else. as we need pioneers to help us, to create something we can work on from now onwards.
But victory will taste better if our locals actually win it. But again, we didn't managed to do it by ourselves, so we need to be inspired by others.
How come no public holiday?
Sunday, August 17, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
It was a fantastic match, although we lost to China.
Our team actually played well but China is better, especially Zhang yining, she has that fierce look. Li Jiawei didn't play quite well but then it is still good a piece of good news for us. So, i expect the tomorrow's papers to splash BIG headlines of our accomplishment.

"I am still no. 1"
Another event worth mentioning for this Final is the...."half-time" performance by the mascot panda, Jingjing. The dancing was so cute, but i noticed one thing, the man or woman, whoever in that suit isn't wearing any socks. I can see his legs and it looked kinda unsightly.
Nevermind the lost to China, we won the Silver.

She is quite a chick.
Don't you think so?
Sunday, August 17, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Just changed the template of my blog. Looks better than my previous layout. Maybe i should turn it all white.
Sunday, August 17, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Finally we will get an Olympic medal for the second time in 48 years.
Our players are ranked in the world's top 10 table tennis players. What a strong team we have, but then, the government always seem looking for instant answer to our sporting scene.
These players were imported, but, they are Singaporeans too. Why not groom our locals as well? In 2011, we shall see our first sports hub and i hope it's not a half hearted affair. You know, we are overly commercialised, sports and arts........ not much effort from our people and government.
Goal 2010 is a failure. So no world cup for us. We shouldn't look for fast food solution for sports, because we really have to groom our own.
Anyway, good news for us. Maybe a gold medal in Beijing 2008?
Thursday, August 14, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Any dream interpretor here?
I dreamt of myself spitting a centipede out of my mouth, 90% of the body is outside my mouth while the tail or head is sandwiched between my lips. It took me quite awhile to spit the whole centipede out.The dream was quite vivid.
Is it a normal dream or there are other explanation to it?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Maybe i should shift my blog to windows Live space , it's easier for me to manage this way like erm...i can check my email, msn and blog all in one site.
But blogger is so user friendly. I wonder if it is easier to manage than win live space.
Monday, August 11, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
It's up! At the post below, will do more fanciful stuff when i get more pro with it. It took me quite a while to upload that video.
It's like 58mb after compression. I wonder if there's a faster way to upload my videos to youtube.
Anyway, i will be working a second video real soon.
Monday, August 11, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Got a bad headache since yesterday morning and a stiff neck. It took me 3 painkillers to relieve the pain. My neck still feels little stiff now.
Sunday, August 10, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Went to the WCG today at suntec city.
The last one was actually better. I am not an avid gamer but i do play games once in awhile, but then, i felt that WCG 2008 isn't too interesting.
There's a kid's competition going on there and this malay boy is really funny.
Saturday, August 09, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
I am going to make youtube videos for this blog soon.
Does anyone know of any free video editing software out i could use?Please let me know a.s.a.p.
Sunday, August 03, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw

Went to the movies today to watch the Dar Knight. Avoided the crowd when it first screened but didn't expect that 1 week after, the cinema is still packed with movie-goers for this show.
Really enjoy the show throughout, especially Joker who basically outshines Batman. This Joker is more psychopathic than the previous ones and is so much better.
Saturday, August 02, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Finally, i got the pass this morning, after 30 mins of queuing at singpost. The pass is nicely packaged in a black box. Gotta hang this around my neck when i am at the race next month.

Care about helping some kids? The 30 hour famine organised by World Vision is now on, you can help by going to their website, they have some merchandise for sale too.
Saturday, August 02, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Shortly after my last post, another colleague left the company.
I read from yesterday papers, unemployment rate has gone up, good times never seems to last. We heading for a possible recession soon.