Spain broke the curse
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
No match for today until wednesday, so i can take a break for now.
Getting a new mobile, E71 from Nokia soon. Rumours that it will be released in July, already saw the dummy set, VERY SLIM but glossy.
Not going to miss this out again like the E61i.
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What a heartbreaker
Sunday, June 22, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
To all Holland fans:
Arshavin is real good with the ball tho, Russians were faster, more brilliant, penetrate better, but the Dutch argghhh.......screwed a few of their chances, if not for Van de Sar, i guess Holland will be out even before full time.
Good luck to Spain now, they are the only Group winner left.
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Lazy week
Saturday, June 14, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Nevertheless, since i am quite lobo for a few days already, so i went to watch the Incredible Hullk. The CG is very nice, especially the Hulk much better than the first Lee Ang or John Woo? Can't remember. This one is SO MUCH better.
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Holland WAY TO GO!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Fabulous match this morning, thrashed France 4:1. Superb performance from my favourite team. This match is really exciting with a lot of attacking. I hope they do well for the Quarter Final.
He scored an unbelievable goal this morning.

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No jobs for me
Monday, June 02, 2008 / Comments (0) / by sw
Not easy hor. Alot of competition nowadays.
Hmm....i notice that i am getting too fat, my tummy is growing at an amazing rate, i thought my clothes shrunk....but my former colleague whom i met last weekend asked if my tummy comes from beer. So i must really be fat now.
Must get into shape soon, going for my weekend jog this saturday, oh Euro 2008 starts this sat, i am a fat old man now.
My ideal shape will be this...

Maybe 1 year? or more, totally ignorance in body building. I want to grow bigger biceps, forearmas, chests...ok that's an old photo of Donie Yen, wanted to be bigger than that extreme make-over. But no amino acid for me...
Go to go now. Bye..
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